Bail Bonds Riviera Beach
24 Hour Bail Bond Near Me
Bail Bonds Service
Riviera Beach, FL
This is our Corporate office. Bail Bond Release Center can do bonds anywhere in Florida or the USA that bonds are accepted.
Please provide us with the full name of the Defendant in custody. The name of the jail, city, county and state may be needed.
If the defendant is not in Florida, providing the telephone number to the jail of sheriff’s office is very helpful
- [email protected]
- 800 S Congress West Palm Beach, Florida 33406
- 15 Years Experience
"We make a difficult situation as easy as possible for you and your family."
Carlos Selvilla
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Stay Calm
Finding out a loved one is in jail, or going to jail yourself is very stressful. Your first instinct is to “get out now” no matter what you have to sign or how much it costs. Taking a few minutes to find out all the facts can save you hours and in some cases days of your time and Hundreds of your dollars.
Don't Rush To Jail
Rushing to the jail before working out all the details will waste time. In most cases you will need verification of your employment, ID, real estate papers, etc and a solid idea of what you are getting into. *Call Bail Bond Release Center: 1-561-833-4388. We will give you the straight up answers and walk you through the process. Having to make a second trip to your home or office for paperwork can set you back time and money.
Watch Out For Excessive Fees
Most companies only want to do large bonds. They will charge you excessive minimum fees to write small bonds. For example, If there is a $180.00 bondable warrant, you would be charged a minimum fee of $75 to $100. BBRC has a $25.00 minimum fee.
Bail Bond Release Center
Bail Bond Release Center has a direct link with the Jail. We are able to see the bail amount of the charge or warrant. This enables us to provide you with accurate information of what it will take to help you or your friend in need. Our staff has the combined experience of over 100 years in helping families, friends and businesses with their bonding needs.
Don't Wait At Jail
This is mainly for any South Florida County Jail . We fax the bond to the jail and include a number for the inmate to call whomever you choose when they are ready for release. This can save you at least 2 hours but more like 4 to 8 hours or more of waiting.
No Interest Payment Plan
Unlike most bonding companies, Bail Bond Release Center allows you to make payments, you can pay as little as no money down and make monthly payments as small as $50 to $100 with “no interest” for 12 months. ** Interest adds up fast and can cost you $100’s of dollars.